Chigger Ridge Farm
Leslie, Missouri
Chigger Ridge Farm is located in Central Missouri nestled in the rolling foothills of the Ozark Mountains. Strong white oak trees and Junipers cover the state.
Our Classic/Ccara llamas have lush green grass in Spring and early Summer, and graze on our native warm season grasses during the hot and humid Missouri summers. The native warm season grasses of Indian grass, Big bluestem and Little bluestem offer needed nutrients that are not available from cool season grasses like fescue.
We have planted and nurtured wildlife habitats with yearly managed prairie grass burns. Managed prairie grass burns are always an exciting time where wind, hills and fire all play their part in maintaining a "managed" burn. Days after the burn the new grass emerges from a deep root system and the cycle starts all over again.

To produce a few sound, working, willing companion animals who are fun to be with.